Key People

You’ll find below a selection of some of the people involved in the day to day work of Holy Trinity, Lickey and St. Catherine’s, Blackwell. There are many more, not shown here, who work to support the many aspects of community and church life that we are involved in. These are just the ones who have key roles and who can help you initially with whatever you need to find out.

For all enquiries concerning arrangements for Baptism, Wedding or Funeral services please contact the Church Secretary – see below.





Rev’d Sheri Gidney, Vicar

Sheri was installed as Vicar in August 2019, her first post as incumbent.

She has an MA in Missional leadership and is passionate about evangelism,

discipleship and mission, all interwoven with prayer, pastoral care and

biblical wisdom.  Sheri is married with a teenage daughter.

She can be contacted via the Church Office or on 0121 445 1185

Please be aware that her Rest Day is usually a Tuesday.





Rev’d Louise Beasley, Curate

Louise has been our Curate since June 2023. Previously she was a Primary School Teacher for nearly 20 years. She is passionate about connecting with people, especially through sports and social activities. Her main hobbies are triathlon and geocaching with her husband and teenage son.


You can contact Louise via

Telephone 0121 7141877


Please note: Louise’s rest day is usually a Friday.



Denise is our Office Administrator and manages parish affairs from our Church Office in the Trinity Centre. The office is normally open 2 mornings a week from 9am to 1pm on Monday and Thursday.  Initial inquiries about Baptisms, Marriages, and Funerals should be directed to Denise. She also provides secretarial services for our Vicar, and her office is used by other church members for a variety of administrative tasks. Enquiries about hiring the facilities of the Trinity Centre, Holy Trinity Church, St. Catherine’s Church, or The Wheel at St. Catherine’s should be made to Denise.  You can contact her on 0121 445 1425