Alpha Course

Alpha, the introduction to the Christian faith:

Commences with a light meal and introduction to the course.  Over 12 weeks we will look at the big questions of life and faith:  Is there a God?  Why on earth am I here?  Jesus, myth, madman or God man?

Bring your friends and neighbours.  If you’re fearful of sharing your faith with those you meet, invite them to Alpha and let’s share it together.

More details –   Alpha website.

See below for comments from people who attended the last course.

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“My husband and I attended the Alpha course together. We enjoyed the weekly discussions which were very thought provoking – healing on some occasions – and felt secure enough in the group to openly express our feelings. Paul helped us to look at our faith in many different ways, to answer difficult questions, examine our relationships with family and others and to seek a way forward to deeper faith.
The knowledge we have gained has helped us grow in faith and has made a positive difference to our life. As a result I am delighted that my husband has become a member of my weekly home group and we are now enjoying attending as a couple”


Although baptised as a baby, and attending twice weekly church services from the age of 10 as a member of the Boys Brigade, church services and having a faith had no meaning for me. I didn’t really want to take any of it in and I didn’t understand the bible. Going to church was just a chore with singing! Perhaps an Alpha course for kids may have been the answer?!

My reading the bible did impress a good Christian friend who enrolled me on an ‘Alpha Course’! Well, I thought I would give it a go, one night wouldn’t do me any harm! I turned up and met the Minister (Paul Clark) and other very pleasant people. To my surprise one of them was a neighbour. Paul handed me an Alpha Course book with topics covering 14 weeks? (I thought it was going to be one night)! !

Whilst I used to be the one denouncing God and religion, I find I am more versed, from reading the Bible and attending Alpha, and am able to confront denunciation with statements of “How do you know, have you read the Bible”? Although I am virtually surrounded by none believers I won’t let this halt my search for more. I now ask them for their patience, telling them not to dismiss God until they have found out for themselves, just as I did.

This could be You?

Space here for you to tell your Alpha Story