There will be a joint service this coming Sunday 19th January 2025.
A service of Holy Communion at Holy Trinity, Lickey at 10.00 a.m with groups for children.
Messy Church at St Catherine’s at 4.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Prayer meeting on Zoom at 6.00 p.m.
– See Notice Sheet for codes.
Further information about all our services and events can be seen by clicking on the “Weekly Notice Sheet” Icon below.
Vicar: Revd Sheri Gidney. The Vicarage, 30 Lickey Square, B45 8HB 0121 445 1185
Sheri’s Rest Day is usually a Tuesday
Curate: Revd Louise Beasley. 0121 714 1877
Louise’s Rest Day is usually a Friday.
Tel: 0121 445 1425 lickeyoffice@bt
Morning Prayer
Gracious God, at the dawning of this new day we call upon your Holy Spirit to kindle our prayers:
(A time of silence can be kept)
As we rejoice in the gift of this new day, so may the light of your presence, O God,
set our hearts on fire with love for you now and for ever. Amen.
Merciful God, your love for humankind, present in the beginning of time,
reaches throughout history and touches even my life.
Your love feels our pain and suffering and wipes away our tears.
Your love knows our loss and grief, and comforts us in our sorrow.
Your love sees our sins yet still loves us, the sinners.
Forgive us when we fail to live lives that reflect the love we see in Jesus.
Forgive us the many times when we take for granted all that you have done for us.
Transform and empower us to worship you in spirit and truth this day and all days, Amen.
Released from our sins, we praise God:
I am giving you worship with all of my life
I am giving you obedience with all of my power
I am giving you praise with all of my strength
I am giving you honour with all of my speech
I am giving you love with all of my heart
I am giving you affection with all of my sense
I am giving you my being with all my mind
I am giving you my soul, O most high and holy God
Praise to the Father
Praise to the Son
Praise to the Spirit
The Three in One. (adapted from Alexander Carmichael. Carmina Gadelica 1900)
Daily Readings:
In response to our scriptures we proclaim:
We are not Alone!
We are the people who bring healing to one another,
who forgive one another and grow strong together,
who know what it means to live in community,
moving towards a common dream
for a new heaven and a new earth
in the power of the love of God,
the company of Jesus Christ
and the leading of the Holy Spirit,
In prayer, we remember the needs of the world:
- for those who are most disadvantaged through war and violence, displacement, injustice, poverty, hunger and homelessness
- for all who are working to alleviate inequality and bring about long lasting peace
- for the victims of crime, prisoners and their families, and all who work in prisons and for rehabilitation projects
- for those who are vulnerable and suffer through sickness of mind, body and spirit,
- for all who support and care for frail and sick people, and those in the grip of addiction, that their work may bring about wholeness, healing and comfort
- for those who are isolated, especially those who are feeling lonely, forgotten, neglected or abandoned
- for medical, nursing and care staff, all front line and emergency workers, for their strength and protection
- for the Christian church and our leaders, for the wellbeing, protection and growth of our faith communities
- for political leaders, that they may govern with compassion, honesty, wisdom and discernment, and inspire the people of their nations to follow their example
- for a renewed respect for our natural world and the healing of creation
- for people of all faiths and none, that together we may co-operate to usher in a future of mutual respect and tolerance
With all those who follow Christ, we say the prayer that Jesus taught us:
Our father in heaven
Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and
the glory are yours
now and for ever,
As we serve you this day fill us with a fire which burns from your flame of truth,
refining our lives so that we dare to grasp your cross of courage, justice, hope and love
and plant it wherever you take us.
We ask this in the name of Jesus who walks before us today and to the end of time,
Evening Prayer
Abide with us, loving God, for it is evening and day is drawing to a close.
(A time of silence may be kept)
Abide with us and with all your faithful ones, this night and throughout eternity,
Spend time recalling the day’s events:
- giving thanks for all the pleasure it has given
- accepting any challenges it has presented
- acknowledge and confess sin and failure
- recognising Jesus as constant companion along the way.
Holy God We confess that we have failed to reflect
the generosity of your grace
the costliness of your love
and the freedom of your Holy Spirit.
Yet in the face of Jesus we see your acceptance,
receive your forgiveness and the renewing power
of your grace and blessing.
Hebrews 8:12: ‘I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.’
Bible Readings:
In response to our scriptures we offer a prayer of commitment:
We believe that you love us and will never abandon us.
We celebrate that neither our imaginations, rules, expectations nor plans can ever contain you.
We lift you high for you are tender and more vulnerable than us.
You lament with us when we grieve and rejoice over our smallest moments of goodness.
You disarm us with your perfect peace even when sadness and darkness overwhelm us.
You feel more than we will ever feel, are wiser than we will ever be and
You hear and answer our prayers.
In prayer we hold before God the needs of the world.
Loving God, encircle those who wake or watch or weep tonight,
and protect those who rest and sleep.
Tend your sick ones, bless your dying ones,
soothe your suffering ones, shield your joyous ones,
and give us all your peace, for your love’s sake.
With all those who follow Christ, we say the prayer that Jesus taught us:
Our father in heaven
Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
On earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and
the glory are yours
now and for ever,
Eternal God watch over us as we sleep,
guard our loved ones and calm us with your peace.
Bless us with perfect rest and hope for what tomorrow will bring.
Refreshed by your Holy Spirit, may we rise to witness
the salutation of the dawn in praise of Jesus Christ,
the light and Saviour of the world,